The “Nachhaltige & Soziale Liste” is an association of students who are committed to a sustainable, socially just, diverse, inclusive, barrier-free, democratic and political Universität Stuttgart. We contribute to the shaping of our university through our work in the student parliament, in stuvus departments and stuvus working groups, and through our involvement in the various sustainable and social university groups. In particular, we are committed to the interests of unheard of minorities and future students. We see the university as a political space, because the university is also part of society and must behave as such!

Future of the NSL
Unfortunately, we have no longer been active in the student parliament since the winter semester 2022/23. The main reason for this is that, due to the pandemic among other things, we had too few interested members who wanted or were able to continue to work for a sustainable & social university policy in the student parliament / senate from winter semester 2022/23. However, it would be important that in the future there is once again a list in the student parliament and possibly also in the senate that stands up for more sustainability and social issues! If you are interested, please contact us or one of the groups in our alliance.
Do you have questions or suggestions?
Then please contact us by e-mail: info@nsl.stupa-stuttgart.de
We are very happy about your ideas and suggestions!